The First Bouquet of Spring

The First Bouquet of Spring

Fresh from the garden, the first truly spring bouqet of the year! And you can grow them all yourself too.

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Well, who’d have believed that Spring would finally spring? The garden is filling fast with yellow trumpets of the daffs and narcissi. The hellebores are up and flowering in whites, pinks, purples and greens, opening up more and more buds. Grape hyacinths and anenomes are definitely on their way and the tree buds are showing green tips. Bergenia has been flowering for ages and the stems are getting longer. All of this means that I can go out and pick a proper seasonal bouquet for you. A treat to start the weekend. I always like to pick a day in advance so that I can prepare the stems and give them a good drink. This helps them to last a lot longer and stay fresh.

To start off with I selected a small to medium sized vase and filled it with a selection of woody stems to create a matrix for the flower stems. this included :

  • 3 branched stems of evergreen Bay
  • 3 bergenia leaves
  • 2 large twisty stems of rosemary about to flower

Stems are always cut with a slant to aid maximum uptake of water.

Spring bouquet - matrix and structure with woody stems


The flowers were very simple and included:

  • 3 x double white hellebores which have set some seed, cut to length, seared in boiled water and left overnight in a tall vase of water to combat drooping
  • 3 x stems of bergenia flowers (which I’ve always disliked and now love)
  • 10-12 mixed daffodils, cut to length and left in a vase of water to drain the sap

I fed the flower stems into the matrix of greenery stems using them to support the flower heads. I like to use symmetry and asymmetry in the same vase and I like to use a range of textures.

Spring bouqet from flower farmer florist. Using hellebores and daffodils.


Finally I added some pussy willow to add some structure and softness. These stems had already sprouted roots as I’ve had them in a vase for a couple of months and I’m considering planting them out later.

And….voila, a celebration of spring in a vase, all grown in the garden and freshly picked.

What have you got growing in your garden that is available for picking? A dozen daffodils with some catkins, ivy and evergreen foliage is a joyful thing, as is a little posy of snowdrops and heather, unless you are very superstitious. According to folklore a snowdrop over the threshold will bring bad luck, turn the milk sour or spoil the eggs. This year I have planted some Leucojems which look like giant snowdrops and are gorgeous in bouquets. I can't wait for them to be ready.




If you'd like to find out more about La-Di Dardy Flowers, you can find them on Instagram or go to

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