Hawkwell Herbology: Do your herbs help you see the future?

Hawkwell Herbology: Do your herbs help you see the future?

Sowing seeds for the future - get excited now.

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Well, I don't know about you but I have not been one of those lucky enough to 'be bored', 'have so much time to appreciate the doing of nothing', 'enjoying having time to read War and Peace'! I think many of us are just lurching from one thing to another!!

Certainly The Herbs, The Dogs, The Ducks, The Hens, The Bees, The Family, The Allotment, The Business, and all those other things that demand time have not gone away and some have even increased their requirements.

Take The Herbs... In my Rhino right now, I have cuttings floating in water, cuttings potted into compost, seeds sown in compost, plants needing putting into larger pots, plants in larger pots needing to go outside into the Community Herb Garden and, of course, they are all demanding that at some point they will be eaten! And I love every minute of those demands. The demands are never ending and sometimes exhausting of course.

But I don't see a seed, a cutting, a plant making demands on me. I see food… And that for me is the joy of edible herbs and flowers. Not to say that I do not love my house plants, my trees, my shrubs etc. But when I see a seed, I see so much more.

Seed trays with compost on Rhino greenhouse staging

Right now, for example, in front of me in the Rhino (I always write my blog in the Rhino - so inspiring and the words, they just flow), I am looking at trays of compost with tiny seeds in them. That is what I am looking at. But what I am SEEING is Chicken with Tarragon, Halibut with Fennel, Pizza with Hot and Spicy Oregano, fruit salad with Pineapple Sage, Gin and Tonic with Lemon Verbena, Moroccan Mint tea (for when too much of the gin and tonic has occurred), my absolute favourite South American herbs of Pipiche, Papalo and Quillquina just eaten on their own. Or with tomatoes in a salsa. And, even better, I don't just SEE all of that. I SMELL all of that. I can almost TASTE all of that.

So although the demands of The Herbs are writ quite large in my day of competing demands right now, I do not mind. You see, herbs are great value. If you buy or grow them in pots, sure you will always have a herb that comes back again and again. Excellent value for money. But more importantly, you can SEE INTO YOUR FOODIE FUTURE as you sow the seeds...

Now THAT is clever!

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