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Apart from some sweet peas and dahlias that I’ve already talked about, what sort of flowers would you like to pick from your garden? Have you a vision of the bouquets or arrangements you would like to create? I’m already thinking of the colour schemes I would like to create as well as the wedding colours I’ve been asked for.
Starting now (given a few window ledges or a greenhouse), you could be sowing a dozen hardy annual and half-hardy seeds to give you bunches of flowers from June to October and beyond. In the cooler months you could be growing bulbs and using dried flowers.
It is really useful to think about what sort of colour schemes you would like to grow. I have to plan, otherwise I get completely carried away. Even so, I find it very hard to stick to the plan. I love my flowers and am often overawed by the choice available. I remember as a child my mother grew some little bedding snapdragons in lemon yellow. Even aged 10, they were too little and pale for me – and I don’t think she was too fond of them either, but it was probably all she could get. Now, I have discovered that snapdragons are glorious flowers in a beautiful range of colours that flower continually. I have also learnt that you can take cuttings, which is fantastic and something I will definitely be doing this year. I wouldn't be without my snapdragons now and when I grow them, I always think back to those little yellow plants.
So, for your glorious bouquets and arrangements here are some suggestions that will give you a range of flowers throughout the season and ones that I have enjoyed growing and putting together:
Flowers for Vibrant, Hot Colours :
Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragons) Sonnet Series, 'Chantilly Bronze'
Euphorbia oblongata (fresh vibrant green)
Malope - Strawberries and Cream Mix
Larkspur - Stock Flowered Mix
Verbena bonariensis
Poppies - Papaver somniferum
Achillea millefolium - 'Colorado', 'Flowerburst Red Shades'
Cosmos - 'Cosimo Red-White', 'Sensation' mixed
Scabious - Tall Double Mix
Grasses - 'Frosted Explosion', Millet
Strawflowers - Helichrysum bracteatum monstrosum
Statice - Special Mixed
Flowers for Softer, Cooler Colours :
Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragons) 'Appleblossom', 'Potomac Lavender', 'Chantilly White'
Gypsophila paniculata
Ammi majus
Nigella 'Persian Jewels Mix'
Scabious - white
Cornflowers - Double Mix
Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff'
Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens'
Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels'
Cosmos 'Purity'
Delphinium - 'Magic Fountains Series' ('Lilac pink’, ‘Lavender White Bee’, ‘Pure White’)
Sea Lavender - Limonium sinuatum, Pastel Mixed
Grasses - Bunny's Tail Grass
Well, maybe it’s a bit more than a dozen, but for cutting, these flowers are well tried and tested. Even if you only grow a few, you won’t be disappointed. Some of the flowers can also be dried to provide you with something homegrown in the winter months. There’s nothing like planning ahead is there? But for the time being, and for the next few months, there is plenty to enjoy.
Happy sowing.
Updated - Dec 14, 2022
Published - February 21, 2020