Returns, exchange and delivery details
We want you to be delighted with your items, so if you would like to return your items you can do so. With the exception of faulty products, when an item is returned we will refund the cost of purchase less the cost of delivery within a period of 30 days from the date of the return.
While we understand that the items may not be in their original packaging, where possible the original packaging should be re-used for the return.
Full return terms can be found here.
Whilst we make every effort to ensure our products are delivered on time and in perfect condition ocassionally damage can occur during the delivery process. If this occurs, please contact us with photographs on and our friendly team will explain the options available and next steps.
Depending on the item ordered, our normal delivery methods and timescales vary according to manufacturer and are indicated on our website - both on the product page and also during the checkout.
While we make every endeavor meet these dates, they are intended to be an estimate. If unexpected delays do occur we will keep you informed and let you know when delivery will be made.
When the items are ready for delivery we will notify you of the intended date and method of delivery. If we have to re-deliver the items following a failed delivery, we reserve the right to make an additional charge for such re-delivery.