Frequently asked questions
Start typing below to filter the FAQs below. If the answer you’re looking for is unavailable, please give us a call or email us on the details below.
Frequently Asked Questions
We've carefully curated some of our most pouplar frequently asked questions below. But if you aren't able to find the answer you're looking for, you can get in touch with us on 0800 694 1929 or email sales@greenhousesdirect.co.uk
General Queries
Whether you're looking for when our sale ends, what is covered in our guarantee or how to request one of our wonderful brochures you'll be able to find the answers below.
The final balance is due approximately 2 weeks prior to delivery. By which time you'll have a delivery date!
It depends on the sale, please contact the team using sales@greenhousesdirect.co.uk for more information
Once you have secured your order with a 10% deposit, we will hold the price of your greenhouse for up to 6 months (or until delivery, whichever is first).
Check out our come and see us section for more information.
You can request a free brochure here.
More information can be obtained by contacting our friendly team on sales@greenhousesdirect.co.uk or calling 0800 694 1929
The glass provided with the Rhino range of greenhouses is 4mm toughened safety glass which is much stronger than horticultural glass. However, there are a number of reasons outside of our control why the glass might break. In the unlikely event of a breakage, this is not covered by our guarantee.
Site Preparation
If you have any questions about how to prepare your base or fix the greenhouse to your base just read below.
We have a handy guide designed to help whittle down the choices. You can read our base options blog here.
You can find more information on how to prepare a base for your greenhouse here.