Paperclip How to Save Water in Your Garden - Tips of the Trade How to Save Water in Your Garden - Tips of the Trade

How to Save Water in Your Garden - Tips of the Trade

Andrew White

Andrew White

Rhino's Gardening Enthusiast & Greenhouse Expert

Whether in the house or outside the home, everyone feels the effects of rising costs. At Rhino Greenhouses Direct, we’re all for exploring savvy water-saving tips which not only benefit your pocket but the planet too.

Assortment of watering can colours

Why it’s important to waste as little water as possible

Experts worldwide agree that water is fast becoming one of the planet’s most precious and dwindling natural commodities. Water is a vital resource that all life on earth requires to live and survive. However, fresh, clean water is becoming a much more limited resource, especially as severe droughts occur more frequently across the globe.

“At Rhino Greenhouse Direct, we recognise the crucial role we can all play in protecting our valuable natural assets. Saving water in the garden has become a vital component of responsible gardening. As a nation of avid gardeners, we need to find innovative, effective ways to save water and protect the environment,” says Andrew White from Rhino Greenhouses Direct.

“We all need to start cutting down and conserving our water usage as much as possible. This means we need to start using our water more wisely and creating far less water waste,” Andrew White adds.

When is the best time to water your crops and garden?

Questions surrounding watering plants and picking the most optimal time to water are often on gardeners’ minds. If the past summer’s record-breaking high temperatures and lack of rainwater are anything to go by, we need to heed the climatic writing on the wall. At Rhino Greenhouses Direct, we offer valuable advice for gardeners on topics such as waste water, conserving rainwater, effectively conserving fresh water, using water butts, and limiting the amount of water used during dry weather spells.

Generally speaking, it’s advisable to water your garden in the early morning or later in the evening. When you water in the morning, the sun is scarcely up, and temperatures remain cool. The water has time to penetrate the soil and make its way down into the root systems of the plants without too much being lost to evaporation. If you choose to water in the evening, try not to cover your plants’ leaves. Damp leaves cause diseases such as powdery mildew.

“In a greenhouse, the watering frequency and techniques will depend on the type of plant you are growing, combined with the outdoor conditions. Similar to conventional outdoor gardening, the best time to water a greenhouse is first thing in the morning. This gives the plants adequate time to dry out, helping avoid fungal problems and pests such as slugs causing damage. Watering plants late in the evening reduces evaporation. But bear in mind your plants may not be totally dry before it gets dark,” explains Andrew White from Rh