With the coming of autumn, there’s no reason why you should stop growing a wide variety of plants. Indeed, this colourful season is an ideal opportunity for gardeners to cultivate a diverse range of crops, many of which will thrive in cooler temperatures and more moisture.
Whether this autumn will be your first gardening journey, or you are a seasoned gardener looking for ideas, our autumn growing guide will give you valuable insights into the best plants you can grow in the fall.
Cool season vegetables
As we’re starting to near the end of the summer, gardeners are turning their thoughts to autumn, and this season is the perfect time to grow vegetables that are happy with cooler temperatures and less sunshine.
Leafy greens are particularly popular with seasoned vegetable growers during this season, like spinach (the more you cut leaves off, the more it grows), kale and lettuce. Kale is easy to grow and is hardy but start them off in a polytunnel, under a cloche or a fleece. Always remove the flowers from leafy plants so they don’t go to seed unless you want to collect seeds for next year’s planting. Make sure you choose a hardy variety of lettuce, and they are best when grown undercover or in a greenhouse. Rocket is a great compliment to lettuce, just a little spicier than the milder tasting lettuce, and mustard leaf has a lovely peppery flavour.
It’s also worth considering cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, broccoli and even Brussels sprouts! These, and many other vegetable crops, are fairly hardy and are capable of withstanding a light frost or two, making them the perfect choice for autumn planting. Broad beans are the most hardy of the bean family and thrive in autumnal conditions, but you must harvest them before the harsh winter months of January and February. Get winter cabbage and leeks in the ground now for autumn and winter harvesting and protect them from caterpillars.
Root vegetables
As well as the leafy and cruciferous veg, plenty of root vegetables will grow well in the cooler autumn climate. In fact, many of them are more flavoursome when grown at this time of year.
Root vegetables that grow well in autumn include carrots, beetroots, and radishes – the Asian, Mooli, Watermelon, or Spanish Black varieties are good options – parsnips and the less popular, but equally delicious, turnip. Although their growth may be slower and steadier than in spring, they will provide you with a good supply of vegetables over the autumn and winter months. Just harvest them as you need them when they have reached a good size.
Herbs are always a popular addition to any garden of any size, and many different types of herbs grow very well during autumn. The leafier the herb, the better the results, so consider herbs like parsley, cilantro, thyme, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, oregano, coriander and chives.
Being able to pop outside or to the greenhouse and cut fresh herbs, as and when you need them, to add flavour to any autumn or winter dish is immensely satisfying. Herbs are also great for making pesto, sauces, and vinaigrettes and are delicious added to warming soups.
Herbs like rosemary and lavender will grow well outside and are perennial but ensure they are in well-drained soil. Not all varieties of mint grow well in autumn, so pick the type of mint that is suited to this season. Others will thrive better in a greenhouse, under cloches or a tunnel, or on a windowsill where they have protection from the elements, particularly the rain and dampness.
Of course, autumn isn’t just about growing vegetables and herbs. There’s no better way to brighten up an autumn garden, greenhouse or indoors than with colour. There are plenty of beautiful autumn flowering plants that will do just that.
Traditional flowers that bloom in autumn include chrysanthemums, asters and pansies. But you may also want to think about rudbeckias which come in wonderful shades of orange, red, yellow and bronze. They have a long period of flowers and are great as cut flowers, too. Crocosmias have bold, bright colours and look similar to orchids, adding plenty of variety to your garden, and amarines are similar but with more pastel colours. Penstemons are also popular, especially as they are easy to grow and pest resistant. Kniphofias will add height with flowers on spikes, while colchicums are ideal for the front of flower beds due to their small stature. But they make up for the lack of height by being hardy, durable and easy to grow.
Planting garlic in autumn is all about establishing its roots before winter sets in, which will lead to larger, more robust and flavoursome bulbs the following year. You may want to start the cloves off in pots in a greenhouse or under cover to protect them from a harsh winter, then sow out in the spring in well-prepared, free-draining soil.
Cover crops
If you’ve got not-so-perfect soil, like clay, or it isn’t very fertile, consider growing cover crops over the autumn and winter. They are a great way to improve soil structure and provide plenty of good nutrients. They also help to prevent erosion and can suppress weed growth during this time of year.
Good cover crops include different types of brassicas, like turnips, radishes and mustards, grasses and cereals – corn, rye and soybeans – and legumes, such as clovers, lucerne and common or hairy vetch.
Clovers are particularly popular and come in many varieties, like red, white alsike, crimson and sweet clovers. You could also consider alfalfa and canola, also known as r