Good Weeds for You and Your Garden

Good Weeds for You and Your Garden

Not all weeds are menaces to your garden. Some are highly nutricious and beneficial to wildlife.

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I am not sure why each month is named as such but I am pretty sure March is because it really is like the garden is marching on. In no time at all, everything takes a spring leap forwards as bird song fills the morning sky, spring bulbs cheer up the landscape and pretty blossoms fill trees and hedgerows. Something else that shows up in the garden: weeds!

I never think of a weed as something so terribly annoying. It’s just another plant in a place where you don’t want it to be. I have noticed quite a few on my allotment already this year which are very welcome indeed because they are beneficial in one way or another. The Dandelions are growing at speed just in time to provide bees with an essential early source of nectar. Don’t be too quick to remove them because not only will the bees love you for allowing them to bloom, but they are also a powerhouse plant, packed full of good nutrition and make a perfect cup of tea.

Other weeds in abundance right now on my plot are red dead nettle and cleavers. Both incredible plants with many benefits, so don’t pull them out and throw them away. To start with red dead nettle isn’t actually a nettle at all and won’t sting you. Another plant that is loved by bees, but you can also eat it raw, or pop it in smoothies and salads. It is an astringent, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti fungal. It’s basically a superfood.

Cleavers (which you may know as ‘Sticky Willy’) is the one as a kid we would pull from the school playing field and chase each other around to stick it to each others clothes! Little did we know that it is edible, best as a tea for cleansing the kidneys and helping UTI’s along with much more.

So as you get your garden spring ready, don’t be too quick to get rid of the weeds because many are incredibly beneficial for us and wildlife.


To read more about Ellen Mary, you can find her on social media and on her website -
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